
Eye Care Services In Florida

We offer a wide variety of eye care services to the Florida community. Contact us with any questions about our services.

Cataract Co-Management

​​​​​​​Cataract Co-Management

If you’ve been diagnosed with cataracts, you may wonder if cataract surgery is right around the corner. Not to worry. There are many preventive steps you can take to slow the progression of cataracts and preserve your vision.

​​​​​​​Comprehensive Eye Exams

​​​​​​​Comprehensive Eye Exams

If you’ve had a vision screening recently, you might say, “My vision is fine! I don’t need a comprehensive eye exam.”

​​​​​​​Computer Vision

​​​​​​​Computer Vision

Just a few decades ago, computer vision syndrome (CVS) was not known or understood. However, with an increase in the role of computers in our lives, it has become an increasingly common issue.

​​​​​​​Contact Lenses

​​​​​​​Contact Lenses

Wearing contact lenses gives patients the flexibility and freedom to live life to the fullest, without some of the difficulties presented by wearing glasses.

​​​​​​​Diabetic Eye Care

​​​​​​​Diabetic Eye Care

You have almost certainly heard of diabetes, which is one of the most common chronic health conditions in the United States with an estimated 100 million adults currently living with diabetes or pre-diabetes.

​​​​​​​Digital Retina Imaging

​​​​​​​Digital Retina Imaging

By allowing your eye doctor to have a comprehensive view of your retina, they will be able to detect any developing eye diseases early on, before they have a detrimental impact on your vision and day-to-day life.

​​​​​​​Dry Eye Treatment

​​​​​​​Dry Eye Treatment

While dry eye isn’t a serious condition, it can have a major impact on your quality of life.

​​​​​​​Emergency Care

​​​​​​​Emergency Care

Eye emergencies cover a range of incidents and conditions such as; trauma, cuts, scratches, foreign objects in the eye, burns, chemical exposure, photic retinopathy, and blunt injuries to the eye or eyelid.



At the Vision Hub, we specialize in glaucoma management, providing early detection and personalized treatment plans to preserve your vision.



Hyperopia, or farsightedness, is skillfully addressed at the Vision Hub, where personalized solutions are crafted to optimize visual comfort and clarity.



Discover a brighter perspective with the Vision Hub's specialized care for keratoconus, addressing corneal irregularities to bring clarity and focus back to your vision.

​​​​​​​LASIK Co-Management

​​​​​​​LASIK Co-Management

LASIK is the number one elective surgical procedure today, and more than a million Americans have had the procedure since its inception.

​​​​​​​Macular Degeneration

​​​​​​​Macular Degeneration

Macular degeneration, commonly referred to as age-related macular degeneration (AMD), is the single largest cause of sight loss in the developed world and affects more than 10 million Americans.

​​​​​​​Myopia Control

​​​​​​​Myopia Control

Childhood myopia is on the rise. At the Vision Hub, we specialize in myopia control for young eyes, ensuring clear and healthy vision with innovative strategies.



Many patients come to us every day struggling to get through their daily lives with their current choice of vision correction.

​​​​​​​Pediatric Eye Exams

​​​​​​​Pediatric Eye Exams

Regular eye exams are important for children since their eyes can change significantly in as little as a year as the muscles and tissue develop. 

​​​​​​​Sports Vision

​​​​​​​Sports Vision

Sports vision is a growing niche in the eyecare industry, helping athletes improve their performance skills through the enhancement of visual skills.

​​​​​​​Surgery Co-Management

​​​​​​​Surgery Co-Management

LASIK (laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis), is the most popular refractive surgical procedure.

​​​​​​​Vision Therapy

​​​​​​​Vision Therapy

Vision therapy is a treatment plan that is intended to develop and improve a patient’s visual skills and abilities, with the goal of making their day-to-day life easier.